KMV Kaushal Kendra Jalandhar | 09646488406, 09872464468
Status Conferred by UGC, MHRD, Govt. of India
Faculty of B.Voc. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science organised a workshop on artificial intelligence and data science to acquaint the students about the emerging IT trends. It was an interactive session where basic concepts and real-life applications of AI and Data Science were discussed in detail. Students were keen to know about the working of AI enabled devices such as Siri, Alexa, Google assistant, which they already use in their daily routine. Moreover, a hands-on session on machine learning was conducted using an open source machine learning model, which performs classification between different categories. Using this model, students learnt how a machine can accurately differentiate between images of dogs and cats using training and testing sets. Further, students were informed about positive points of joining this field and the job prospects of AI and Data Science.