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Power Point Presentation Competition Back

Activity Date

October 20, 2023

The Department has organized Power Point Presentation Competition on October 20, 2023. Dr. Sabina Batra (Head Of Department B.Voc Management and Secretarial Practices) and Ms. Chetna  (Assistant Professor in Department of B.Voc Retail Management) were the judges of this competition. Students presented their PPTs on the topics like Artificial Intelligence, Communication Skills, Education, Indian Culture and many more. Students came up with many different and unique ideas. Both judges admired their ideas as well as confidence. At the end feedback forms were circulated to know the response of students. It is found that these type of competitions helps them to groove their confidence, public speaking skills and knowledge as well. Feedback forms duly filled by students are kept as record in the department.

The following students got first three positions:

FIRST PRIZE:         Rajveer

SECOND PRIZE:      Aarti

THIRD PRIZE:           Himani

Site Credits : Seigospace
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