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The Heritage Institution

Status Conferred by UGC, MHRD, Govt. of India

Autonomous Status by UGC-MHRD,
Govt. of India

E-Card Making Competition Back

Activity Date

November 8, 2023

Department of  Management and Secretarial Practices (MSP) impart practical E-designing skills to students as a mandatory part of their curriculum.

To explore the E-designing skills of Semester V students, The Department of B.voc (MSP) has organized ‘E-Card Competition’ on November 08, 2023. The theme of the competition was Diwali Festival. Total 11 students were participated in the competition and came with very different designs of E-cards. Mr. Tarundeep Singh (Social Media Manager at KMV) and Ms. Arti  (Assistant Professor, Department of Animation, KMV) were the judges of this competition.The E-cards were judged on different grounds such as theme, description, designing, content and uniqueness. Students came up with many different and unique ideas. Giving a tough competition, following students were selected for first three positions.

First Prize:       Prabhjot Kaur

Second Prize:  Kritikakalia

Third Prize:     Nandini Sharma

Site Credits : Seigospace
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