KMV Kaushal Kendra Jalandhar | 09646488406, 09872464468
Status Conferred by UGC, MHRD, Govt. of India
To explore the E-designing skills of Semester VI students, The Department ofB.voc (MSP) has organized ‘E-Banner Competition’ on March 15, 2022. Thetheme of the competition was the admission banner of B.voc (MSP). Total 18students were participated in the competition and came with very different designsof banners. Mr. Tarundeep Singh (Social Media Manager at KMV) and Ms.Pawandeep Kaur (Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, KMV)were the judges of this competition. The E-banners were judged on differentgrounds such as theme, description, designing, content and uniqueness. Students
came up with many different and unique ideas. Giving a tough competition,following students were selected for first three positions. First Prize: Komal Verma, Second Prize: Deepika, Third Prize: Mandeep Kaur