KMV Kaushal Kendra Jalandhar | 09646488406, 09872464468
Status Conferred by UGC, MHRD, Govt. of India
B.Voc Management and Secretarial Practices
Organized Logo Making Competition on September, 17th, 2021. Dr. Sabina Batra(In-Charge, The Department of MSP) and Dr. Suman Khurana (HoD, TheDepartment of Computer Science and Applications) were the judges of thisCompetition. The logos were judged on different grounds such as relevance,description, appeal, uniqueness and effectiveness. First Prize: Komalpreet Kaur, Second Prize: Palak Sharma andKajal Thakur (B.voc MSP- Sem-I), Third Prize: Prabhjot Kaur (B.voc MSP- Sem-I) andDaljinder Kaur ((B.voc MSP- Sem-III)